Sunday, September 30, 2012

Dishwasher Cleaning - Tang Has The Power

Is the inside of your dishwasher looking a little dingy and yellow?  Does it have funny odor? It is likely caused by the hard water mineral deposits. This is very common in homes or communities that are on well systems.

It's alright! Don't think it’s the end of the world. The other good news you probably won't have to invest in a new dishwasher? There is a product out there that many of us had in our house probably before. This product has vitamin C that will break down hard water stains and return your dishwasher to it sparkling bright condition that you so vaguely remember. It is available at your local grocery store. The magic product is...believe it or not... TANG breakfast drink.
•Empty your dishwasher of dishes and other items.

•Toss 1 cup TANG into the dishwasher.

•Run the dishwasher on a regular hot-water cycle.

•There's no need to rinse the dishwasher before running your next load of dishes.
Using the TANG trick at least once a month will keep your dishwasher looking and smelling clean and bright.

There are other useful ideas of TANG around the house that will keep your entire house keep smelling clean. 



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