Saturday, March 24, 2012

LED Lights Are The Way To Go... Huge Energy Savings!

LED Lights Are The Way To Go...
A LED (Light-Emitting Diode) is a semiconductor light source. LEDs are commonly used as indicator lamps in many electronic devices. They are becoming increasingly more common in other lighting. Early LEDs emitted low-intensity red light, but today's versions are available across the visible, ultraviolet, and infrared wavelengths, with very high brightness.

LEDs are small, very efficient solid bulbs. New LED bulbs are grouped in clusters with diffuser lenses which have broadened the applications for LED use in the residential application. Over the past few years, the LED technology is advancing faster than previously thought. Many new bulb styles are available on the market. The initial investment of LEDs may seem more expensive than Compact Fluorescent Lights, yet LEDs have proven to bring more value since they last longer. LED bulb pricing is going down each year as the manufacturing technology continues to improve

Research has shown that the average lifespan of home and commercial LED lights is 25 times longer than the expected lifespan of your conventional incandescent light bulb, and 5 times longer than Fluorescent lgiths.

LED Lights & Bulbs reports that LED lights are extremely energy efficient. Depending upon which LED lamp is used, the savings could be up to 93% of the monthly electricity bill. Over the 17 year lifetime of an LED bulb, this can amount to energy savings of up to $300 for each LED light you use.

LED light bulbs also do not contain the same toxic chemicals as Florescent bulbs. This means that they are a much more environmentally friendly option when it comes to disposal. Florescent bulbs contain mercury, which can be harmful for the environment, so they can result in serious pollution problems during disposal.

Over the next few years we will see the evolution of the LED bulbs expand dramatically in the residential sector.  As the price of the bulb become more reasonable, we will see and would recommend homeowners switching to LEDs. 

HANDYPRO Handyman Services
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Charlotte, NC

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